Mens Interleague enters last round
Going into the last round of games on 30th November Blackburn B&DPL lead the 1st division…
2014 UK Tour Final Rankings
1 Phil Harrison 52 2 Craig Waddingham 42 3 Tom Cousins 40 4 Guiseppe D'Imperio 36…
Jack Macleod Memorial Open – 29/30 Nov 2014
Taking place at Club 147, Leicester, entry form available via our Other Events page ...
Seniors Tour 2014
Congratulations to Keith Brewer on winning Seniors Tour no 4. Newcomer David Shand was runner up.…
Chairman of EPA
Geoff Wilson has tendered his resignation as Chairman of the EPA. The EPA Executive Committee would…
Macmillan Cancer Charity
The EPA has made a payment to Macmillan of £448.14 as collected at the 2014 Interleague…
Home International Championships 2014 Aberdeen
England almost pulled off a clean sweep at the 2014 Home International Championships held in Aberdeen…