Chipperfield takes the Metropole Challenge
Shaun Chipperfield takes the Metropole Challenge final with a nail biting deciding frame victory. More details…
Supreme Team Classic
The draw for the Supreme Team Classic has now been completed and is available to view,…
Harrison takes tour 2
Phil Harrison takes the Hilton Metropole tour 2 title with a tremendous performance in the final.…
Festival of Pool to be live streamed
The festival of pool at the Hilton Birmingham Metropole hotel is almost upon us and the…
Calling All 8 Ball Pool Player in Durham, North Yorkshire, East Yorkshire and Tyne & Wear
Any players in the above Counties who would like to register with the EPA For 2016…
UK Tour 2 Draws
The draws for both the tour and the challenge are now available. Click on the links…
2016 Tour 2 Preview
The UK Tour’s most popular and action packed event is nearly upon us, the Festival of…
Mens Interleague Cup – Provisional Round Draw
The draw for the provisional round of the Men’s Interleague Cup has been drawn today by…
2016 Festival Of Pool
ATTENTION......ALL AMATEUR PLAYERS £21,000 in prizes will be paid out at the Metropole “Festival of Pool”…
D’Imperio takes the Challenge
Giuseppe D’Imperio showed just why he is considered to be one of the best young players…