The draw and schedule has been completed and the statistics pages are available. If you note which group a team is in, you can click 'Matches' next to the appropriate group to see draw details. Group 1 1. Darwen Dynamos, 2. Herefordshire Ladies, 3. Bedfordshire Swallows, 4. Derbyshire Ladies, 5. Berkshire Ladies, 6. Northants County Ladies Group 2 1. Foxy Ladies, 2. Hampshire Missfits, 3. Beertricks Potters, 4. Telford Ladies, 5. Devon Ladies, 6. Bedfordshire Ladies, 7. Somerset Allstars, 8. Bye Group 3 1. Oxfordshire Ladies, 2. Shrewsbury Ladies, 3. Cuepids, 4. Medway Meerkats, 5. Lincolnshire Ladies, 6. Herts Ladies Group 4 1. Battersea Boom, 2. Pilky Su'S, 3. Isle Of Wight Ladies, 4. Lancashire Hotpots, 5. Nottinghamshire Ladies B, 6. Cambs Ladies, 7. Sussex Ladies, 8. Bye 2 Group 5 1. Pasties A, 2. Leicester Ladies, 3. Staffordshire Ladies, 4. Norfolk Broads, 5. Pocket Knockers, 6. London Leopards Group 6 1. Nottinghamshire Ladies A, 2. Surrey Sinners, 3. Gloucestershire Ladies, 4. Suffolk Ladies, 5. Pasties B, 6. Moody Cues Group 7 1. West Yorkshire Ladies, 2. West Midlands Ladies, 3. Warwickshire Ladies, 4. Essex Ladies, 5. Saarf Yorky Puds, 6. Pad-I-Am Group 8 1. Ladies Of The Court, 2. Cheshire Ladies, 3. Surrey Ladies, 4. Worcestershire Ladies, 5. Saarf Yorky Shots, 6. G.M.C. Bears ...
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