Thanks to all the attendees who made donations and the collectors, especially Sandra Love and Beryl Benton. Please see note below from Hayley Cooke re Macmillan collection at CofC plus other collections this year. This year's collection has totalled £2479.45 Hi Bob & Shirley, Thank you so much for your support and fundraising this year. Fantastic to hear you raised £620.59 at the champions weekend. Thank you to everyone involved in the collection and for making the donation so promptly to Macmillan. Macmillan is here for everyone affected by cancer. But we can't do it without you. With more people living with cancer than ever before, the need for our work is constantly growing. Our loyal and committed supporters fund more than 96% of our services. Thank you for helping us to reach more people affected by cancer. Many thanks Hayley
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