LCPA Constitution

LCPA Constitution

as amended 16/01/2024


  1. The name of the Association is the Lancashire County Pool Association hereinafter referred to as the Association.

  2. The Association is formed for the purpose of administering and promoting the game of 8 Ball pool within the nominated area of Lancashire.

  3. Membership

    1. Any league within the nominated area of Lancashire may join the Association by registering with the Secretary.
    2. All registrations will be subject to ratification by the management committee of the Association.
    3. The registration period will begin on 1st January and end on 31st December in any year.
    4. A league may register at any time and their registration will run until the start of the next registration period.
    5. When a league’s registration has been accepted and all fees are paid in full, they are deemed to be a full member of the Association.
    6. All registration fees are to be paid to the association treasurer within 28 days of the renewal date or within 28 days of acceptance of registration.
    7. No league will be allowed to re-register with the association until all debts are paid in full.
    8. When the Association is in affiliation to the EPA, all officials on the executive and management committee must be a valid and in date, EPA card holder.
    9. Any official who does not normally require an EPA card, will have the fee paid for by the association, when applicable.
    10. Membership of the Association will be open to all leagues in the area of the county of Lancashire, identified by its boundaries in clause 11.
    11. Lancashire county nominated area shall be deemed and recognised as the geographical boundaries that have been in existence since 1889 and will override any administrative or unitary county boundaries as designated in more recent times.
    12. Voting rights will be one vote for each affiliated league, and one vote for each non-executive committee member. In the event of a tied vote, the Chairperson will have a casting vote.
  4. Delegates

    1. Each league registered with the Association will appoint a delegate to attend an AGM, EGM or committee meeting.  The name, address, email address and telephone number of this delegate will be registered with the Association Secretary.
    2. If the named delegate cannot attend a meeting, the Chairperson and Secretary must be informed of this prior to the meeting, and details of a “stand-in” delegate should be notified to the Chairman and Secretary.
    3. All communication between the Association and registered leagues will be via their delegate.
    4. Any league wishing to change their league delegate must notify the Association secretary as soon as possible of the changes.
    5. League delegates are General Committee members.
  1. Meetings and Election of Officers

    1. The Association will hold an Annual General Meeting after the last county fixture and before the first event of the next playing year, unless unforeseen circumstances make it impossible to do so. e.g., national epidemic/pandemic, extreme weather conditions, etc. Under any such circumstances, the AGM should be held as soon as is safely possible. Subject to any unforeseen circumstances, 21 days notice for an AGM will normally be given to all member leagues and all other relevant associations. The County Secretary will also communicate to member leagues, the date that proposals must be submitted by. All proposals for an AGM must be submitted to the LCPA Secretary 14 days before the date of the AGM. All proposals will be communicated to member leagues 7 days before the date of the AGM and any amendments to proposals should be received by the County Secretary, no later than 3 days before commencement of the AGM taking place.
    2. An Extraordinary General Meeting can be called either by the management committee, giving 7 days notice and stating the reason for an EGM. Associate leagues can also request to call an EGM by means of letter or electronic communication, to the County Secretary stating the reason for an EGM. The communication to request an EGM must be signed by no less than four of the member leagues of the Association. After agreement has been reached, an EGM will be scheduled, giving 7 days notice to all affiliate leagues.
    3. The Association will elect a management committee to administer the league.  This management committee will consist of Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, and Treasurer and as many non-executive committee members as is deemed necessary by the executive committee. The duties of the management committee are listed in Appendix 1 of this constitution.
    4. The management committee will also include a representative from each sub-section within the Association.
    5. Any relative business for the AGM must be in writing to the Secretary 7 days prior to the AGM meeting date.  This includes anyone wishing to stand for an Officer’s position for the forthcoming year.
    6. Persons involved in a past or present dispute with the Association or any other body of the English Pool Association will not be allowed to stand for office until the dispute has been cleared by the relevant bodies.
    7. All committee members will hold office for a period of one year when, at an Annual General Meeting all positions will be deemed open for election, with exception of the Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer, whose positions will be open for election every three years on a staggered basis. All retiring members of the committee will be eligible to stand for re-election.
    8. A quorum at an AGM will be 50% of the register of membership of the Association.
    9. A quorum for an EGM will be 50% of the register of membership of the Association. At any Extraordinary General Meeting only items on the agenda will be discussed.
    10. A simple majority vote will suffice on all occasions. In the event of a tied vote, the Chairperson will have the casting vote.
  2. Management Committee

    1. The management committee will meet as soon as possible following the AGM to formulate business for the forthcoming year.  Following this meeting, the secretary will publish a list of management committee meeting dates for the forthcoming year.
    2. One third, or five of (whichever is the minimum) management committee members are required for a quorum.
    3. An elected committee member will be expected to attend 50% of management committee meetings.  An attendance performance will be presented at the next AGM/ EGM.
    4. The management committee may co-opt any member or members of a registered league onto the committee at their discretion for the benefit of the game within the association, except any person in section Election of Officers, 6.
    5. The management committee shall have the authority to make any decision, which in their opinion is deemed necessary or beneficial to the Association.
    6. Seven days notice should be given to all registered leagues and management committee members for a change of meeting dates.
  3. Finance

    1. All fees to be paid by registered leagues and their team(s) will be set at an AGM/EGM
    2. All financial matters of the association will be the responsibility of the Treasurer.
    3. Income and Expenditure accounts will be formulated for each calendar month to be presented to management committee/delegate meetings when required.
    4. An official will be elected at an AGM to audit the financial accounts of the Association before they are presented to an AGM/EGM
  4. General

    1. No individual team/s will be accepted into the Association.
    2. Any alterations to the Constitution or other rules can only be made by a majority vote at the AGM or Extraordinary General Meeting.
    3. Each member league, upon joining the Association shall be deemed to have undertaken to accept and abide by these rules and with any other rules and regulations which may be introduced by the committee in the future, for the general management and organisation of the Association.
    4. The committee shall manage the affairs of the Association in accordance with these rules and shall be empowered to act in all circumstances not covered by these rules.
    5. Committee members may be removed from office at an Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting, or may be suspended under Management Committee, 6.5
  5. Discipline

    1. The management committee will have the right to suspend, fine, expel or take any other action deemed necessary against any registered league or any member of a registered league for:-
      • Breach of the Association rules.
      • Breach of the Associations sub-section rules.
      • Any act deemed by the Association to have brought the Association or the game of Pool into disrepute.
    1. Any registered league or any member of a registered league accused of an offence outlined in 9.1will be asked to appear before the management committee, or any other appropriate body to defend their actions.
    2. Any registered league or any member of a registered league found guilty of an offence in 9.1 will be notified by letter within 14 days of any disciplinary action. The letter will also set out the rights of appeal for any registered league or any member of a registered league should they require it.

Officers Main Duties – Appendix 1 (as referenced in rule 5.3)


  1. To ensure that the Association is run efficiently and effectively to enhance the game of pool within the County.
  2. To act as a figurehead in the promotion of the game of pool within the County.
  3. To ensure that the rules and Constitution of the Association are applied correctly and upheld.
  4. To Chair the A.G.M/E.G.M and Committee meetings in a professional manner ensuring that all business before those meetings is attended to.

Vice Chairperson

  1. To assist the Chairperson as requested and chair any meetings not attended by the Chairperson.


  1. To handle all correspondence, to and from the Association, in a professional manner.
  2. To keep a complete register of all affiliated leagues and recognised personnel within the Association.
  3. To provide an agenda of all points required to hold a full meeting of the Association, record minutes of meetings of the Association and provide copies of those minutes to the next meeting.
  4. To provide an agenda of all points required to hold a full meeting of the Association, record minutes of meetings of the Association and provide copies of those minutes to the next meeting.
  5. To assist where required in supplying information to National and Regional Committees. Supply all information required to the various officials and sub-sections within the Association.

Assistant Secretary

  1. To assist the Secretary as requested and deputise in the Secretary’s absence.


  1. To handle all monies paid into and out of the Association’s bank(s) accounts.
  2. To keep accurate records of all the Association’s transactions and provide a balance sheet for each committee meeting showing all such transactions during the year.
  3. To provide a balance sheet at the end of every financial year showing all transactions during that financial year.
  4. To assist any auditors to inspect the accounts as required.
  5. To assist the Association Committee in producing a budget of the requirements for the forthcoming financial year.

Interleague Secretary (Men’s & Ladies)

  1. Administer the Interleague competition.
  2. Set fixtures and dates for teams.
  3. Collect and collate results.
  4. Publish league tables and ranking lists.
  5. Issue and collect paperwork required by the Association or any other bodies.
  6. Liaise with I.D. Secretary with regard to eligibility and registration of players’ and teams.

I.D. Secretary

  1. Issue and collect I.D. registration forms and monies.
  2. Forward collected monies to Treasurer.
  3. Forward I.D. documentation and numbers to Regional I.D. Secretary.
  4. Liaise with Interleague Secretary with regard to eligibility of players and notify any unregistered players.
  5. Collect and issue I.D. cards or replacements as required.

County Managers

  1. Copy and distribute fixture list.
  2. Issue Registration Forms for County Players, collect monies and forward to Treasurer.
  3. Where applicable, complete E.P.A. registration forms for Men’s A/B, Seniors, Ladies, Juniors and U23 County Teams.
  4. Compile a complete list of all county players together with personal details.
  5. Organise and run trials for County Teams.
  6. Organise and administer County matches.
  7. Organise raffles at home matches together with providing prizes and forward monies raised to Treasurer.
  8. Compile ranking lists at end of season.
  9. Notify retained players and re-trialists of their position at end of season.
  10. Administer dress code as
  11. Appoint Captains or organise teams to nominate their own Captains.
  12. Ring in results at end of each County match.
  13. Pass results of matches to Region 2 Collator.
  14. Pass to Treasurer accurate records of financial accounts applicable together with any monies due.

General Committee Members

  1. To attend meetings and assist Committee in any way required.
  2. Pass on all information from meetings to their affiliated leagues.